About Me
Kaio Barbosa-Chifan
(Kai-o bar-Bow-suh key-Fawn)
I have an interest in programming as a whole, I get paid for web dev, and I can't seem to shake off the idea of making games for fun.
I was born in California, and grew up in Natal, Brazil, returning to California at age 15. I studied Computer Science at the beautiful campus of UC Santa Cruz.
In the past I have traveled a decent amount, and have lived in a few different countries, but in June 2021 I settled in Seattle where I live with my wife.
Building and maintaining marketing websites.
Working on AI powered translation and localizationFreelance Dev
11/2022 - 6/2023
Jack of all trades, master of some.
Did a variety of contracts, including
- Standing up websites from scratch
- Game development in Unity and Godot
- Assisting some very interesting AI projectsHealth Note
1/2022 - 11/2022
Full Stack Engineer
Parsons Corporation
3/2021 - 2/2022
Front-End Engineer
English Tutor
4/2020 - 2/2022
Taught over 1000 classes to English learners of all ages.
UC Santa Cruz
9/2015 - 6/2019
B.S. Computer Science